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Our Mission Is For Everyone To

The Outdoors

Our Story

Access Trax invented by two occupational therapists in Southern California who saw a need for greater inclusion and accessibility and wanted to create a cost effective solution to create access for all.

Kelly and Eric with adaptive surfer Bruno and the very first prototype of the Access Trax mat.

Access Trax was invented as part of a class project while attending University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.

A man with a beard wearing sunglasses and a cap with blue t-shirt and a blonde woman with light blue t-shirt and cap next to a man with a long blond hair and cap in a wheelchair

The original inspiration for Access trax was to create a light weight and portable solution to help adaptive surfers cross sand to reach the ocean.

While students at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in San Diego, Access Trax co-founders Kelly and Eric were tasked to create an assistive technology device as part of their course work to become occupational therapists.

Their inspiration came from a desire to assist local adaptive surfers in crossing the sand to the water’s edge while maintaining dignity and independence.

Numerous prototypes were tested in collaboration with the local adaptive surfing community, leading to a successful design and company launch in 2018. Since then, Access Trax has continued to refine its design based on feedback from the broader adaptive community.

Today, Access Trax has gained national recognition for its intuitive, user- friendly design, and has become an amazing resource to everyone who wants to access the outdoors.

Watch The Story Of How Access Trax Started

We are an award winning, woman led, social impact company base out of California who are passionate about inclusion and access for all.

Scholarship Entrepreneurs Logo
Tory Burch Foundation Logo
Fedex Grand Prize Winner Logo
Coralus Venture Logo
Photo of a grey square, flat access mat with small 1/2 holes throughout. The center has the Access Trax Logo.
Size 5.2 lbs
Dimensions 36 × 36 × 0.125 in
Warranty 180 Day Guarantee

Access Trax Mat

Durable, lightweight, foldable, portable wheelchair access mats.

Perfect for flat terrain like sand, gravel, dirt, mulch & grass.

Each Mat Comes with:

1 – Mat 36 x 36 x 1/8 inch; 5.2 lbs (91.4 x 91.4 x 0.32 cm; 2.35kg)
3 – Orange Hinges

Rentals, adaptive sport nonprofit discounts,
and grant funding may be available.
Contact us to learn more



We’re constantly out in the world, connecting with our community, and ensuring that we spread the message of inclusion and access for all.

    “As the founder of a non-profit organization and a T-7/8 paraplegic myself this is something our foundation would use regularly and I have found (Access) Trax to be a game changer for the general disabled community.”

    Charles "Chaka" Webb

    Adaptive Athlete, Founder of
    stoke for life foundation

    Main with a red t-shirt holding his hand up waving a sign

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